Footwork - Shot Saving Exercise 4
Footwork - Shot Saving Exercise 4
Reinforcing - Small Feet and Side to side movements in combination with saving low shot / Shot saving low - Diving Technique / Recovery to standing position
5-10 Minutes
1 Player and 1 Goalkeeper
Balls and Cones
Player 2 will begin exercise by passing low to goalkeeper, the goalkeeper receives pass by moving from standing position into long barrier/block shot.
The goalkeeper returns the ball back slowly to player 2.
Goalkeeper weaves through cones.
Goalkeeper moves across goal.
Player 2 shoots low to opposite post.
Goalkeeper moves across goal and dives to make save (hold on to ball).
Goalkeeper recovers to standing position and returns ball slowly to player 2.
Goalkeeper touches cones.
Player 2 shoots low to opposite post.
Goalkeeper moves across goal and dives to make save.
Repeat process.
Switch exercise to opposite side.
Vary type of shot.
Vary type of foot movement through cones.
Positional Defense